Want a recipe for the perfect truffle? Well i think this is it
They are choc full of chocolate, easy to make, quick to eat and overall just the best truffle I've ever tried
I actually got this one from my husband-really rocks having a husband that's a chef
Your ingredients list couldn't be easier
300ml double cream
300g milk or dark chocolate
Cocoa powder to roll them in
If you want squares you will also need a small tray-i cover mine in cocoa but you can also use greaseproof paper
The trick with this recipe is to have the same amount of chocolate to double cream.
However, there's always a freakin catch! I find that when using milk chocolate I need another 20g of choc but with dark choc the same ratio works perfectly.
And here's the how to!
Empty the whole tub of double cream into a pan and stir continuously so it doesnt burn
You dont want it to boul but you do want it to bubble at the sides
Add the chocolate a small handful at a time and stir to melt it through the cream
Take the pan off the heat when you have half the chocolate melted
Melt the rest through and set aside
If you want truffles you can just pop the pan in the fridge and leave it for a couple of hours until set.
You know its set when you can press into it and leave an indent but you don't end up with a chocolate hand
OR you can cover a tray in cocoa and pour the mixture in. You need the cocoa covering the tray or you wont get the truffles back out without a fight!
So! you made your decision and your ganache is set!
Get a little bowl and fill with the cocoa, a teaspoon and a grease-proofed tray/plate to put the truffles on.
Using the teaspoon take a heaped teaspoon size of ganache out of your pan and quickly roll into a ball in your hands then drop into your cocoa bowl and swirl until covered.
Remove the truffle and pop it onto your tray/in your mouth and repeat until finished.
If you wanted squares and used a tray you carefully press a large knife down into the mix to separate the ganache into squares-don't drag the knife through as you will end up with a big messy mess.
Use a spatula to separate the squares and dip them in cocoa
And that's you, perfectly delicious truffles
Now you have your chocolate ganache truffles and can use the recipe again and again now that you are a truffle master!
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